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About Us

KHU at a Glance
HOME KHU at a Glance

서브 컨텐츠

Facts and Figures

  • International Partners:
    620 Partner Universities
    in 84 Countries
  • 42th in 2023 THE
    University Impact
    Rankings(2nd in Korea)
  • 1st in International Outlook
    among Korean Universities in
    2024 THE World University
  • Ranked in 51~100th
    in 2024 QS World University
    Rankings by subject
    (Development Studies)
  • 332nd in 2024 QS World
    University Rankings
    (6th in Korea)
  • Academic Ranking of World
    Universities by Subject,
    10th in 2023, Hospitality
    Management(2nd in Korea) 
    24th in 2023,
    Engineering(1st in Korea)
  • Over 4,000 full-time
    international students from
    100 different countries
  • Over 1,800 outbound
    exchange students to more than
    200 partner universities
    around the world each year
  • Over 500 incoming
    exchange students from more
    than 40 different countries
    around the world each year

Undergraduate Programs